Page 18 - The Machining World Express May 2024
P. 18

INSIGHT                                                                   THE MACHINING WORLD EXPRESS  |  MAY 2024

        Machinability of Ti & Ni based alloys

        Superalloys are known to be hard to process   machine difficult-to-machine parts with ease  petrochemical, and biomedical. These highly
        materials by reason of their elevated    and precision. Advanced cutting tools help   engineered alloys offer unique combination of
        temperature resistance, fast strain hardening,   optimize machinability. Because hard-to-  heat resistance, corrosion resistance, toughness,
        minimal thermal conductivity, and the existence   machine materials need an advanced insert   high operating temperature, and strength-
        of abrasive deposits in the structure. At this   to endure high heat creation, toughness and   to-weight ratio. These alloys are termed as
        point, it required the advancement of tools   impact resistance in machining. Cutting tools   “Difficult to machine materials” because of
        (carbides, ceramics and CBN) with superior   utilized in the machining of superalloys have   their low machinability rating. They are difficult
        thermal and chemical constancy for improving   properties such as wear strength, excellent   to machine because of properties like low
        the machinability of aerospace alloys. Poor   thermal shock, chemical consistency, high   thermal conductivity, high strength at elevated
        machinability of aircraft engine alloys exposes   strength and toughness, efficient hot hardness   temperatures, and high chemical reactivity.
        the tool cutting edge to extreme thermal and   at high temperatures at the cutting edge and   At the same time, superalloys are a valuable
        mechanical pressures and these frequently   workpiece. In the machining of nickel-based   class of high temperature materials used in the
        cause rapid tool wear                    superalloys and titanium alloys, uncoated and   strongest parts of jet and rocket engines where
                                                 coated sintered carbide tools and ceramic and   temperatures get to 1200-1400 °C
        Nickel based super alloys display rather difficult   CBN tools are generally used in continuous
        machinability characteristics owing to their high   cutting applications at high speeds.
        temperature strength, work hardening tendency
        and low thermal diffusivity. Like stainless steels,
        their austenitic matrix is responsible for work   Super Alloys : Playing the
        hardening during machining. Besides, during   critical role
        high machining temperatures, these alloys have
        affinity to weld with the tool material. The strong   Ti-Based Alloys are structural materials
        tendency to form built up edge (BUE) and the   widely utilized in the aviation industry. These
        presence of hard intermetallic compounds and   alloys are known to exhibit features such as
        abrasive carbides in their microstructure further   superior biocompatibility, osseointegration,
        exacerbate cutting difficulties. Excessive tool   high wear and corrosion strength and superior
        wear is one of the major problems in machining   compressive strength within the body. The
        of nickel-based superalloys. Because of the low   low thermal conductivity of the materials   Ni-based alloys - The ability to retain
        thermal conductivity, most of the heat produced   causes high temperatures in the cutting region.   high mechanical and chemical properties at
        during machining is transferred to the tool.  This temperature in the cutting region is high   elevated temperatures makes superalloys an
        Subsequently, high tool tip temperatures cause  average. Demand for titanium is steadily   excellent material for use in rotary and stationary
        excessive tool wear, which can limit cutting   improving in the aerospace industry,  components of jet engines. Components
        speeds and reduce productivity. Another   and other alloy forms, from aluminum alloys,   manufactured by superalloys are lighter
        factor negatively affecting the machinability   steels, etc. Titanium also resists corrosion   than those produced from traditional steel.
        is the continuous and tough chips produced   factors by forming oxide in the surface layer in   Approximately 50% by weight of aircraft engine
        during machining. Although there are significant   application environments. Titanium alloys are   alloys are nickel-based alloys. These alloys
        improvements in cutting tools, machine control   also frequently used in airframe subjected to air-  present a higher strength / weight ratio than
        systems, cooling and lubrication technology,   kinetic heating due to its thermal stability  steel with higher density.
        machining of superalloys is still leading to
        problems in terms of cutting tool wear and                                         The superalloys are an exceptional metal
        surface integrity.                                                                 class with a combination of high temperature
                                                                                           resistance, toughness and resistance to oxidizing
        Being a major cause of the poor machinability                                      environments. Nickel-based superalloys are
        of the superalloys, tool wear is an inevitable                                     commonly applied in engine parts for instance
        process during machining and it progresses until                                   engine compressor discs, turbine disc, bearing
        tool life ends. However, should the precaution                                     parts, housing, fins and other running parts.
        be taken by knowing the type, rate and timing
        of the wear, the negativity of the tool wear can
        be minimized.

        Cutting speed stands as the major factor of   The quick growth in the aviation industry has
        tool wear in machining of Ni-based superalloys.   laid the groundwork for the development of
        Tool wear rate is higher in areas in which   materials used in aircraft construction. The main
        concentrated force and temperature is present.   factor is the reduction in weight and increased
        This increased temperature negatively affects   service life of aircraft components, resulting in
        carbide tools, as they are composed of cobalt   lower costs. Therefore, a lot of research was
        binders. While in ceramic tools, feed rate   done for improving materials by optimized
        increase, which causes excessive flank wear, is   properties to reduce weight, increase damage   Article contributed by
        the limiting factor. Feed rate is another limiting   tolerance, fatigue and corrosion resistance. The
        factor of tool wear. For carbide tools, average   main purpose of the continuous development   RAJESH GUPTA
        to higher feed rate values is recommended.   of new materials in aviation applications is   VP – Sales & Marketing
        For ceramic tools, lower feed rate values are   to increase fuel efficiency and performance,   Rudrali Hitech Tools Pvt Ltd
        preferable Advances in the cutting tool industry   and to reduce costs. Titanium and Nickel   Experience- 30 Years
        are becoming more and more promising to   alloys are the most commonly used in the
                                                  demanding industries like aerospace, energy,   Education- B-Tech in Mechanical,
                                                                                           MBA in  Marketing
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