Page 29 - The Machining World Express May 2024
P. 29
Advancing Aerospace & Defense with Feintool Expands Success
High-Precision Solutions in Asia with New
Production Site in India
at the forefront of innovation, dedicated to INTEGRATION
the research and development, as well as
manufacturing, of high-precision metal plates The miniaturization of high-precision
and laser-applied equipment. In the realm of components enables the design of compact
Aerospace & Defense, their contributions are and integrated systems, such as avionics,
significant, as precision components are pivotal communication equipment, and surveillance
for ensuring the success and safety of missions sensors. Smaller and lighter components
in demanding operational environments. contribute to space-saving designs, reduced
High-precision components play a crucial installation complexity, and improved overall
role in Aerospace & Defense due to the system performance in aerospace and defense
demanding operational environments and platforms.
stringent performance requirements of aircraft,
spacecraft, and defense systems. Here’s how MANUFACTURING AND QUALITY
they contribute:
RELIABILITY Precision machining technologies, such as
computer numerical control (CNC) machining
and additive manufacturing, are used to
High-precision components are essential for fabricate high-precision components with tight
ensuring the performance and reliability of tolerances and complex geometries. Advanced
aerospace and defense systems. Components metrology techniques, including coordinate
such as bearings, gears, actuators, and sensors measuring machines (CMMs) and optical
must operate with extreme accuracy and inspection systems, ensure the quality and Feintool strengthens its position in Asian
consistency to maintain the overall functionality accuracy of manufactured components, automotive production with the establishment of
of aircraft, satellites, missiles, and other meeting the stringent requirements of “Feintool System Parts India Pvt Ltd” and a new
platforms. facility in Pune, India. With an initial investment
aerospace and defense applications. of CHF 15 million, this move brings Feintool
WEIGHT REDUCTION AND To meet the stringent demands of the High- closer to its existing customers in the region
while reducing CO2 emissions from deliveries.
EFFICIENCY precision components, Indian machining Production at the Pune site is set to begin in
companies should use advanced machining summer 2025.
Precision machining allows for the production of technologies and skilled workforce
lightweight components with tight tolerances, development. Cutting-edge computer numerical CEO Torsten Greiner highlights the expansion
contributing to weight reduction in aerospace control (CNC) machines, such as Fiber laser as a response to customer needs, tapping into
structures. Reduced weight leads to improved cutting machine and Robotic arm fiber cutting a thriving market, and promoting sustainable
fuel efficiency in aircraft and enhanced with Welding complex system, Digital galvo laser supply chains. The Pune facility will initially
maneuverability in missiles and drones, essential processing station and Servo bending machine focus on manufacturing seat adjusters for major
for achieving mission objectives and maximizing that are becoming indispensable tools in the automotive manufacturers and will explore
operational capabilities. machining. opportunities in emerging sectors like battery
and hydrogen-powered mobility
SAFETY AND DURABILITY For those seeking more information on
KANFON’s innovative offerings, they can Feintool’s expansion into India strengthens
Aerospace and defense applications demand connect via email at its presence in the Asian automotive market,
components that can withstand harsh operating enhancing market share and competitiveness.
conditions, including high temperatures, By localizing production, Feintool aims to
extreme pressures, vibration, and corrosive minimize delivery-related emissions, contributing
environments. High-precision components to environmental sustainability through shorter
are engineered to meet these requirements, supply chains and reduced transportation
ensuring the safety and durability of critical distances.
systems and minimizing the risk of failure during
operation. The establishment of the Pune facility is
expected to create job opportunities in
GUIDANCE AND NAVIGATION the region, stimulating economic growth.
Furthermore, Feintool’s presence can facilitate
Precision components are integral to guidance the transfer of advanced manufacturing
and navigation systems used in aerospace technologies and expertise, contributing to
and defense applications. Gyroscopes, the upskilling of the local workforce and the
accelerometers, and other sensors with high advancement of India’s manufacturing sector.
precision are employed for precise positioning, Overall, Feintool’s entry into the Indian market
orientation, and stabilization of aircraft, diversifies its portfolio, opens doors to new
spacecraft, and missiles, enabling accurate customers, and positions the company for
navigation, targeting, and mission success. growth in emerging sectors.